Newton Free Library ~ November 2003

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This is a joint show - Marcy Stuart's Facades and my Passages.  On This Page you can see the layout of my part of the show.

See The Newton Free Library for more info

M A I N   H A L L 

John Borchard: Passages
Marcy Stuart: Facades
November 4 - 26 Reception: Mon., Nov. 10, 6:30 - 9PM

John Borchard
Marcy Stuart

Serendipitously, in their travels, both Borchard and Stuart came across beautiful or intriguing windows, doorways, passageways and facades of houses, buildings, shops - and photographed them. For Stuart, “Out of hundreds and hundreds of pictures of people, events and nature,” taken over the course of ten years, “these glimpses” of primarily facades “emerged as a group,” whereas for Borchard on his honeymoon in Venice, “wandering aimlessly,” he “became convinced that the spirit of Venice resided in its windows” and other passageways - and began clicking away.

Borchard is most interested in capturing the “elusive quality of light in April in Venice” and the mixture of beauty and decay in the windows and doors. Sunshine abounds in these images of polished wooden doors with heavy ringed knockers, weathered shutters framing a playful windowbox of pinwheel flowers, stone windows set in a pink adobe wall, ivy-covered rocks lining walkways, stone stairs leading around a corner to…? Borchard seems charmed by the “labyrinthine walks of Venice,” the bright colors of the homes “reportedly painted that way to direct the fishermen home at night after a long day of fishing out in the fog.”

Stuart is attracted to a variety of architectural features, color and shape as well as the content of her subjects: the grandeur of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, draped in dark bunting after 9/11, the funkiness of a barn-red antique shop, a window display of a hair salon in the Netherlands where the “wildly paper-coifed mannequins notice the passersby and vice-versa.” Many of her photos are taken from interesting angles and cropped close giving a more abstract feel to them. A view of a brick wall and window through lace curtains provides a nice contrast of textures, a close-up image of the tip of a colorful sculpture and the walls behind it at the Guggenheim Museum give a whole new perspective to the work of art as does a photo of rounded blue glass windows and their reflections, a detail of the outside walls of a building at Stanford University.

Stuart has worked as a commercial photographer in black & white and in color for numerous clients. She has exhibited at the Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester and the Santa Barbara Museum of Art and currently at Stanford University, United Parish of Auburndale and Williams School in Auburndale.
Borchard has exhibited as part of Newton Open Studios and various local venues. At present his work is on display at West Newton Cinema and will be seen at Newtonville Books this winter.

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